Minecraft Headcanons

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Backgrounds & Personalities (WIP)

An important thing to keep in mind with these backgrounds is that the World is not what it used to be. The World of Minecraft as we see it today is a post-apocalyptic one that is gradually healing from whatever devastated it in the past. Therefore, we have the New World and the Old World.

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Steve is the last remaining living being from the Old World, although their memories of it are very, very limited. They first awoke in the New World with the vague sense that there used to be way more people like them and a much more filled World. Over time, some other blurry memories have surfaced, mostly of past emotions rather than concrete scenes. The most notable memory he has deals with fire and flying ships. Unsurprisingly, this memory was uncovered when he first saw the ships of the End cities.

Steve has been there for the entire duration of the New World. However, prior to finding Alex, it was an overwhelmingly lonely experience, one that left Steve struggling to find hope. They don’t like thinking back on those times, and as such, they hardly discuss it with Alex. They have yet to even tell Alex that there used to be a World before the current one.

One would also think that having to toil to survive and eventually thrive would make one more brazen and numb to the World. To some extent, this is true for Steve—it takes a lot of pain and hardship to force him down—but he is still incredibly cautious, quick to startle and fearful of the World. Steve feels that, at heart, he is a coward. Don’t let his self-doubt and quiet manner fool you, though—he exudes bravery when he must.

Steve awoke for the first time in the New World in a completely flat and grassy World.

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Alex has only ever been part of the New World and has very little to no idea of the Old World. Unlike Steve who had to learn as these elements were gradually introduced to the World, some “basic” ideas and concepts came naturally to Alex as instinct (such as punching trees, creating tools, getting stone, et cetera). Thus she was able to set up a small shelter in the plains biome she first awoke in and survived a few days before she met Steve (or Stevie, Steven or whatever other nickname she has cooked up for him).

Where Steve hesitates, Alex runs straight ahead. They love adventure of any form and take risks more often than they should, even when ill-advised (such as when they dared theirself to eat a pufferfish, ate it and unsurprisingly instantly regretted it). Although they are reckless, they aren’t death-seeking. They recognize when danger is afoot and a situation requires caution.

They are pretty blunt and open about their thoughts and feelings. They also enjoy practical jokes and teasing. It’s also only very occasionally that they get stricken by the fact that there are so few mobs like them and Steve... and they wonder why that is.

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Herobrine is ultimately an observer of the World and its mobs. They are mostly curious as to how the mobs function in the World: which resources do they utilize, where do they choose to create home, which mobs do they get along with—so many questions they have, with most thereof having answers which evolve with time. What they struggle the most with, however, is understanding the “why”. For instance, they noticed Steve creating holes in the World and breaking greenery, but their attempts at recreation (making extensive two-by-two mines and taking the leaves from trees) apparently missed the point.

They are not limited to appearing as Steve. They have appeared as Alex a few times and can change form to any mob they see fit—the only constant is the white, glowing eyes. Their preference for their Steve form is simply due to that being their first. They are also incredibly quiet, only saying brief sentences on rare occasions. A good portion of their time is spent watching flowing lava or activated redstone (it helps that they can activate redstone to a power of two with their mere presence).

They have yet to depart any information as to whom or what they are and their origins—they are a really mysterious creature, with even Steve barely knowing much about them. Steve just knows that even though Herobrine needs a lot of time by theirself, it was still nice to know that he was not completely alone and someone was watching over him in some of his darkest hours. Perhaps that is what Herobrine is: a manifestation of loneliness, of wanting to be seen, of the Universe wanting anybody else, when all the Universe had was itself.

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Makena is on the more soft-spoken side, but she isn’t shy—she is very warm to strangers and is more extroverted on the social scale. She loves the cute and cuddely and is prone to high-pitched squealing and cooing upon encountering any of the sort, and you can rest assured that any stray cats or wolves in the area are being taken care of by her. She doesn’t like fighting that much, but she has a preference for bows when she has to hold her ground. She enjoys building a lot and cares about the little details.

Makena first spawned in by herself in a meadows biome and managed to make herself a cozy cabin with a small farm. She was first found by Efe and Ari, who had been traveling together.

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Kai isn’t the kind to settle down—they take to exploring and camping to the nth degree and are always on the move. They show up and leave randomly, unintentionally scaring people as they suddenly appear from nowhere. They always seem to have the strangest and rarest of items—if you ever had a need for deepslate emerald ore, then just try asking them for some. They have a trusty mule by the name of Mule.

Kai is mute and tends to rely on body language in order to communicate. They also have a bunch of signs in case body language isn’t cutting it.

Kai first spawned in a snowy plains biome.

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