Rating: Rated E for EveryoneFandom(s): Minecraft, “Minecraft: Java/Bedrock Edition”
Character(s): Alex, Steve
Relationship(s): Alex ~ Steve
Word Count: 100
(SqWA Link)
Summary: Steve tries to get Alex a trident.
Contents & Warnings
- No Major Warnings
- 1.21 Tricky Trials Update
- Humor
- Drabble
- Prompt: “rage”

With each reset of the World, there was one thing Alex lamented: the loss of their trident, a weapon so tedious to obtain. So during the night when Alex was in bed, Steve would be out in a boat above sea, searching for a drowned with such a weapon in its grasp. Steve would reek in the morning of fish and rot with nothing to show for it.
Eventually, a drowned gave up its trident, and perhaps Alex’s excitement made up for the long nights.
(Later, when a vault rewarded them a trident, Steve was perhaps just a touch upset.)
Author’s Commentary
If you’ve ever tried to get a trident prior to the Tricky Trials Update, especially in “Minecraft: Java Edition”, then you know my pain of spending countless nights boating in an ocean for Drowneds with tridents, desperately trying to get the rare drop. I had the pleasant experience of trying one of the Trial Chambers for the first time and getting a trident as a drop from one of the vaults. No boating for me! (Although I’ll want a second trident for riptide...) Steve, however, discovers that vaults can drop tridents only after getting a trident the old way. Unfortunate.
(At least Alex is happy.)